Welcome to the website of award winning wildlife artist

Jeremy Paul


BBC Wildlife Artist of the Year – 3 times category winner
Original wildlife paintings, limited edition prints, postage ‘stamp prints’, greeting cards


Buy any full-price Limited Edition and receive a copy of JP15 ‘Life in the Gutter’ absolutely free.

Go to ‘Wildlife Art Prints’



New collection of paintings as part of a unique collaboration with Element Isle Jewellery. A celebration of British wildlife (see news)

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New Limited Edition Prints Now Available


1377 lesser flamingos Lake Tsimanampetsotsa scan

Lesser Flamingos – Lake Tsimanampetsotsa, Madagascar

Selected for ‘Birds in Art’ 2023 and now acquired by Woodson Art museum for their permanent collection



1410 Barn owl oil

Barn Owl – oil

New Painting – Limited Edition available.

Limited Edition Prints


Two Gentlemen – Botswana

30×20″ sold

SALE: I still have some prints remaining from the ‘pre-digital’ age when the whole edition was printed on off-set litho presses.

I have decided to offer these at the trade price (50%) of normal retail. Including postage – Go to print pages.

Winter Sun – Barn Owl


Recent Images

Below are some of my Limited Edition Prints available to buy through my ‘wildlife art prints’ pages.
Gift Vouchers available (any value) – please contact me for details

Latest News

Collaboration with Element Isle Jewellery

I have been collaborating with Isle of Man jewellers Element Isle, who will be launching their range of British Wildlife jewellery on October 17th at Tynwald Mills, Isle of Man.  An exhibition of the Jewellery, original paintings and prints - on until November...

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About the Artist

Born in Accrington, Lancashire, UK in 1954, Jeremy Paul had a successful career in marine biology before becoming a professional Wildlife Artist. After receiving a Doctorate for research, his work took him to live in Spain and some of the most beautiful and remote areas of the British Isles, particularly the west coast of Scotland including a period on a small island with a total population of 6.

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