Collaboration with Element Isle Jewellery

I have been collaborating with Isle of Man jewellers Element Isle, who will be launching their range of British Wildlife jewellery on October 17th at Tynwald Mills, Isle of Man.  An exhibition of the Jewellery, original paintings and prints - on until November...

DSWF ‘Highly Commended’

DSWF ‘Highly Commended’

Delighted to get 'Highly Commended' in the Wildlife Artist of the Year 2021, for my painting 'On the Wind' - Shy Albatross

DSWF wildlife artist of the year 2021

DSWF wildlife artist of the year 2021

I have two paintings selected for the finals in this year's 'Wildlife Artist of the Year' 'Preening penguins' - in the 'Animal Behaviour' category and 'On the wind' in the 'Blue Planet' category. Winners announced on May 25th 

Haiku Poet

Haiku Poet

I was recently contacted by a writer from North Wales, Clive Bennet describes himself as a 'haiku poet' and asked permission to use one of my paintings to illustrate a haiku about long tailed tits. This is the result:  ...

Birds in Art

Birds in Art

Thrilled to learn that my painting in 'Birds in Art' is being purchased for the permanent collection at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum of Wausau, Wisconsin USA The painting is also included in the 'touring exhibition' visiting S.Carolina, Texas and New York...

Marks and Spencer plc

Marks and Spencer plc

Late last year I was commissioned by Marks and Spencer plc to produce a panorama painting of a woodland with British Wildlife. This was to go round a biscuit tin. Now available in M&S Food stores!

Nature in Art

Will be 'artist in residence' at Nature in Art near Gloucester June 21-26th. Will be painting in the studio and will have originals and prints on display.

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