Collaboration with Element Isle Jewellery

I have been collaborating with Isle of Man jewellers Element Isle, who will be launching their range of British Wildlife jewellery on October 17th at Tynwald Mills, Isle of Man. 

An exhibition of the Jewellery, original paintings and prints – on until November 9th.

The prints will be exclusive to Element Isle.

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DSWF wildlife artist of the year 2021

I have two paintings selected for the finals in this year’s ‘Wildlife Artist of the Year’

‘Preening penguins’ – in the ‘Animal Behaviour’ category and ‘On the wind’ in the ‘Blue Planet’ category.

Winners announced on May 25th 
DSWF WAY Badge Finalist m214201347 Shy albatross1244 preening penguins

Haiku Poet

I was recently contacted by a writer from North Wales, Clive Bennet describes himself as a ‘haiku poet’ and asked permission to use one of my paintings to illustrate a haiku about long tailed tits.
This is the result:
Travellers Joy – Cameos of Birdlife #3
The frost today is everywhere – a heavy hoar frost covering the fields and hedgerows; all a sparkle in the early morning winter sun. In the hedgerow, a restless, roving party of Long Tailed Tit weave through frosted beards.
“bumbarrel roving through the hedge travellers joy”
To see other ‘Cameos of Birdlife’ by Clive, visit his website: LTT
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